Friday, January 31, 2014

I'm Back!/Votes

Okay.. we have gotten a suggestion from wolfhead73601! The idea is a currency especially for this blog! Here's how it'll work (if it gets enough votes) :

You do a good deed and record it in a comment and we'll decide the amount of points you deserve! Your points can be exchanged for certain prizes such as:

10 points: Couch, star rug, plushies, ties etc.

15 points: Dresser, glasses, etc.

50 points: Seasonal Items, etc.

100 points: Rare (we will have the rares posted up all the time of what you can get), epic wonders items

500+ points: GOOD rare, epic wonders items

Keep in mind points aren't easy to get. Your points will be displayed publicly. We could even have a contest to see who can keep their points the longest and the most! 

To get points, you can help an NM in need, have a colored items store, anything really that we think deserves points. But we do ask that you have some sort of proof, and you can't fake it. 

Thanks!! You can vote off to the side over there >>

Sunday, January 26, 2014

40,000 Views + News + OutFit Trick

HI NMM's! I have some news to tell you today!


We got 40,000 views! Thats a great accomplishment and it was all possible thanks to you guys! Thank-you for telling everyone about this little blog and viewing!  


I have some good news and bad news for you today. 

First for the bad news.  

I've recently found out many people are quitting. It's sad to hear so many wonderful jammers are quitting for reasons being people's greed. Aj now days is full of it, greed on top of greed. There seems to be no escape from it, and soon the whole world will be full of it. Now who wants to live in a world full of "I wants" and Stealing, Scamming etc?  Exactly No body. 

Anywho now for more cheerful news.

 Our first birthday party is coming up soon for ajnm! And it's going to be epic. We don't yet have an invatation yet but we'll have one soon! So keep you eyes pealed!


Today I found a pictute of my penguin wearing a rather cute outfit. It could be used for any animal of course but it looks really cute on penguins. Anymoo Here's it's name: "Icy Blue."

                              Cool huh? It's really simple and it looks nice plus it's cheap!

                                                Here's all you need: 1x Scarf


 I certainly do love walls
 Thats right.

 That is the greatest cat face Ever. PERIOD

And yeah  :)

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Just to clarify

Lilyf is NOOOOOOT mean! Those quotes in that last post were things that were said to her! She is my sister and if she ever said that some serious fighting would be happening.


My legs hurt... me and party and lilyf and a bunch of others went sledding yesterday and it was awesome- yet painful.


Sunday, January 19, 2014

UGh. People these days

(we lost a follower! D: that's not why that's the title BTW)

Okay so today lilyf goes into the diamond shop and sees these people dressed in all white trying to get the "ten free diamonds". She tells them that it's just a myth and they start saything things like:

"Get out! This is the diamond shop only members get diamonds"
"Go away you non member!"
"You aren't helping only members can get them"

These are exact quotes, but she was on the other computer so I have no picture proof. I was like- really!? Wait till they turn nm- that'll show em!

If anyone knows who our lost follower is that would be helpful to know XP

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Any Ideas?

First- thank you all so much for 70 followers.

Next... we need ideas for our "birthday party"!! Do you have any? If so- you can email them to us or comment them right here!

We have decided that there will not be a fashion show because they take too much time and people would start to leave after they lost. Also, we are having it in a non member's den (it is classified right now) so anything with memberness won't work.

We have a lot of activities planned but we need more!
(wrote this with grapes... that blob on the side is suppose to be a paw print haha)

Friday, January 17, 2014

Aj doesn't need that much money

Animal am wants tons of people to buy memberships so they can get more and new items but this is really overboard

NOTICE: None are nm! Also know I was excited when I heard there were ice skates. But 2 bad things, you think they would be clothing, 2nd they should be nm. I am really mad that a whole page is filled up with mem stuff. OH GOSH look at the next page(for winter)

All mem.

Okay I am MAD now there is only1 nm winter item, and honestly it isn't that good. I think animal jam should make more winter stuff nm, memberships will get them money but same with there apps, they can still get money from memberships but if they could make more things nm they would still get a lot of money!!! I just looked in the clothing there is NONE 0 NOTHING winter that is nonmember. Christmas may be over but that doesn't mean winter is. Aj I think you can still get money by selling stuff that you want but check your shops every once and a while so nm and mems can be even. Comment below if you agree
Penguin Listening Dancing To Music