
Friday, April 11, 2014

Winner+ Big new contest

The first person to correctly answer yesterday was....jam59099!!!! (hope I got the numbers right sorry!)
Congrats! You won a "rare" shark fin. Congratulations to Duchess Berrybunny and wolfpaws4330 for also getting the correct answer, but not first.

:D Okay, now. Our new contest will be up to YOU! I'm setting up a poll about 3 minutes after this is posted and we'll give everyone one week to vote. On different devices you can vote again (I think, I've done it before)!



  1. Cool! Good job, Jam!

  2. contest to see who writes da most EPIC story

  3. Thanks, you almost got it right! It is jam52099

  4. I can't believe everyone wants a story/writing one. That's just my opinion, don't take any offense. I just... I love contests 'cause they're fun but I'm too lazy to write a full story or writing! I don't have that type of time! Sorry.

  5. omg omg make a post about chickin smoothie omg omg!!

  6. hey, no offense, but I think I won the donation contest, but I didn't get my prize yet. it's ok if you didn't have the time to do that, but would you eb able to send it? thanks. also, you know that epic croc plush i donated? would it be okay if I could have it back?

  7. I'd be okay with any of those contests besides the Trivia x3
