Monday, November 17, 2014


Last time I said this it was me just saying bye to AJ but not this whole blog. I just... there isn't a point in me being here if I can't even get onto animal jam- ya know?

This post will NOT be boring. I'm still just as weird as I was when some of you met me. That reminds me, how many of you out there have been here from the start? That is- March 2, 2013?  Oh gosh. Almost two years... wow. How did that even happen!?

Remember all of those fun donation days? 
Remember our fun tips?
How many people we gave items to?

*sighs* They are all memories now. Like party said, we are old. Seriously I don't even know how it happened we just got elderly one day. Pfft no I'm not like going to make my hair look nice and go to parties. I will probably spend a lot more time on homework though.

Homework tho. Advice to you people going into older grades: Elementary school is like *half a worksheet* then you get older and it's like *hands 50 page packet* "this is due by the end of class. oh yeah, it's short class today! you have 30 minutes."

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


Well, sorry.... I've decided to quit this blog and Animal Jam. Honestly you guys...I've just gotten to old for Animal jam, and I don't have time for it.... With homework, School, And friends.. Animal jam is a thing of the past.

I can't go on like this.... Sorry... I'm way to old for this. I am a girl in Junior High. I shouldn't being playing these childhood games.... I should be hanging out with friends, going to parties, loving jewelry, making my hair look nice, and other stuff.

I will still have a blog, about me and gifs and such... If you are interested please come and check it out.

And if you ever want to talk to me... You'll find me occasionally on chickensmoothie...
User: duskowl


Penguin Listening Dancing To Music