Sunday, January 19, 2014

UGh. People these days

(we lost a follower! D: that's not why that's the title BTW)

Okay so today lilyf goes into the diamond shop and sees these people dressed in all white trying to get the "ten free diamonds". She tells them that it's just a myth and they start saything things like:

"Get out! This is the diamond shop only members get diamonds"
"Go away you non member!"
"You aren't helping only members can get them"

These are exact quotes, but she was on the other computer so I have no picture proof. I was like- really!? Wait till they turn nm- that'll show em!

If anyone knows who our lost follower is that would be helpful to know XP


  1. -.-
    Well, I suppose it's up to them how they spend their time... But it's not up to them whether they bully NMs! =_=

  2. I did actualy get 1 diamond by dancing white when I was NM. A bunch of people yelled at me, but I ignored them. Maybe they fixed the glitch.

  3. Lily is mean now? How dare she insult non members!

    1. I don't think she's mean, but I think ur being mean...

  4. I think Animal Jam fixed it AND non members can get diamonds in the daily spin :T also If non members can't get diamonds then why is there non member stuff i hope those so called " members " read this :T - Sandy000


Penguin Listening Dancing To Music