Tuesday, October 7, 2014


A few of you have been wanting furniture tricks, and while I can't get any- I can show you my old den design. Oh, I just realized it's a halloween one too!

Anyway, Kinyonga made this for me- forever ago

Isn't that pretty? I figured there is a few tricks in there, suck as my living room area and bedroom. I have my little graveyard out front, along with a phantom jail.

I hope this helps some of you out XD


  1. I failed at trying to make my own variation of that, since most of that stuff is no longer in stores.

  2. I like it! I once made a den where you couldn't see the floor, sky, walls, or anything, but it was filled with phantoms. It look me ages, and it ended up glitching my computer, because too many items in my den lags it.
    My animal on AJ is Lucky from Pound Puppies for it's Halloween costume. I can't go trick or treating in my new neighborhood because we only have 3 neighbors, plus a lunatic who is building a house on our land :l


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