Monday, July 1, 2013

Winner is..


She sent in a total of  171 donations, beating Cloudswift's record by ONE!! Congratulations to everyone who donated, we couldn't be possible without you guys!

Now that one month is finished... you know what that means!



  1. 171!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THATS LOADS Amazing. Wow donations are getting bigger by the second!

  2. non members rock!

    this blog has made many non members happy. this blog inspired me to buy nm colored items to give to non members who are new, have standard colors of nm items, or poor ones, you name it! i also buddy non members and show new nms around jamaa. i just cant help it to frown and see poor nms being sad because of no membership. i tell them, "its okay. i used to be a non member too, everyone did. my membership is running out too. here, have a colored item. want to be buddies?" thanks partyanimalzz and pupp1266, you changed me into a non member helper. you guys rock!


    1. omg cloudswift pawsome comment it acutally made me cry the way you wrote it it was that awesome! btw, plz buddy me on aj cuzs once you buddied me and the next day you weren't my buddy.
      -a very cheerful ilovemyfamily153666

    2. wow very awesome thing to do cloudswift! ill add u later today!also, im gonna donate even more! maybe we can even have a poll that says, Are Non-members equal to members? and my choice would be Heck Ya!


Penguin Listening Dancing To Music