Sunday, April 13, 2014

❤ Random Comic and Introducting Purpleflora ❤

     Hallo NMM's! Wie geht's? Mir geht's wunderbar! ^3^  Learning German,so might as well practice! (huehuehue...Post your response in German) So anyway,today I am going to write about me! A post dedicated to me,a dream I always wanted.. Not really but I guess you know my point,right?
     My favorite quote: It needs to be..20% cooler -Rainbow Dash
     My favorite activity in AJ: Taking a shower with the raincloud,because it is so awesome and bunnies/wolves are stinky animals. Even in real life,a bunny's pee smells horrible. Not that I ever smelt it before. O-O Is smelt a word..It says it is in this post,no squiggly lines. XD Also I love roleplaying intensely,you can't just be nn every move you do and "deed" me so quickly. Another thing I love is being adopted and terrorizing the mom/dad.
     My favorite land: That's a toughie.. All the lands have something unique to it and special. I used to love Apondale,but they took away the ability to climb the tree. :( My top two favorites though is Sarepia Forest and Crystal Sands. I love to vacation there! :3


      I am going to let you guys think of the result for that comic,most likely running away and saying some cheesy quote. My top favorite cheesy quotes is from a 60s Batman show,with Robin's punny quotes. cx I don't want to make this post really long so Tshuss! Another German word! This is Purpleflora not reporting live! Or am I.. Well it is not live live just live?.. I am even making this post longer,so bye again!


  1. lol! :3 roleplay is da best! gives a high five

  2. Große Post. Nizza Comic zu, Ich mag Jamaa Township am besten. Sie hören alles Gute Neuigkeiten, erhalten Sie viele Trades, ist das, was Ich mag. Meine Lieblings Welt ist Tigris. Die meisten Abenteurer gehen dort. Es ist immer soo voll!

    1. I am not that good! XD Learning the basics-so I am going to speak in little tinsy basics. Danke schon! Ich mag deine Möglichkeiten! (sorry if it's bad! :P)

    2. Meh. I'm going to give out a little personal info, but UGH IDC O3O
      Hallo! Ich heiße MythCat2907, aber alle meine Freundinen/Freunde magen mehr mich Mythy nennen. Mein Großfather ist Deutsch... Also ja, ich muss Deutsch lernen XD
      Ich mag English mehr 030
      Mihr gets auch gut. Tchüs!!


      Yeah I had to learn german cuz my father's father (meh grandpa) was german e.(\


    3. I am bilingual,with Spanish and English. I prefer English too though. cx

    4. I'm bilingual as well I speak French, English the main one and Spanish
      Je'ampple blueberryb
      That's French btw

    5. I learned French in my school as well! I think that is called trilingual,speaking 3 languages fluently.

  3. My first word was in German!

    Schoen dich kennen gelernt zu haben!

  4. Hallo! Ich bin mit Google zu übersetzen, denn ich kann nicht sprechen Deutsch LOL.

  5. I know hiw to speak russian 8D (I am just gonna write how it sounds like kay?)

    Pereveut, do you have an yablaka?

    There o3o


    1. In my google translate,it says: Translate,do you have an apple? :3 That's interesting that you know Russian!

    2. Yes it says "do you have an apple". But it misses the "preveut" part, which means "hi". And those were my first two Russian words. :3

  6. kann es kaum erwarten, mehr von ihreh beitrage gelesen


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