Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Donation Time!

Party, I hope you can agree, same with everyone else!
The donation time *most likely* will be at 8:30 AM AJ time zone on Saturday the 14th of December.

We are looking for:
-Seasonal COLORED Items (scarfs, elf hats, etc.)
- Holiday colored items (like red and green couches, rugs, etc.)

If you CAN *not required* we want diamond shop items. It would be VERRRRRY kind of you donaters! We will count them as 2 donations a piece for part of the donation time.

Thank you everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love ya! (in the friend way, you know)


  1. I'll try to come! I bought a few colored Jamaaliday scarves.

    1. And... I have an extra 'Patch of Lollipops.'

  2. Hmmm... I might log on as a second account and buy a NM diamond shop thing on there, so yeah, if that's ok. ^_^


Penguin Listening Dancing To Music