Saturday, December 7, 2013

Jamaaliday Couches!

Hey NMMs! Sorry for not posting in a while, I have book reports due and everything's a little stressful. But you have a post today!!!  
Anyways today's trick (as seen above) is a Jamaaliday Couch display. Quite cozy after all these long cold winter days! Anyways here's what you'll need:
2x Couches
1x Table
1x Window
1x Train
2x Jamaaliday lights
Now for a new and exclusive feature! GEM COUNTER!
2x Couches = 400 Gems
1x Table =300 Gems
1x Window = 1 Diamond
1x Train = Free
2x Jamaaliday Lights = 300 Gems
Total Cost: 1000 Gems and 1 Diamond
Pretty Cheap :D
Another donation day is in order, and if anyone can donate some Jamaaliday themed items? Perferable colors: Red and Green :D  
Also I was thinking maybeit could be a donation day and party. The theme maybe like: Give and Get? I'll talk with the rest of the AJNM team about it.


  1. Today is sparkly box

    1. Yeah!Its a diamond!

  2. I really love this blog but I feel like we need more people to shop at the stores, i mean, you guys have 6-7 full stores and nobody shops at them XD

  3. I can never be on when you guys have donation days. :-\
    By the way, when is the commenting contest going to end? I MUST KNOW. Lol.

  4. Does give and get mean u give pupp,party,nafaria or lily something and u get something back?


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