Monday, November 11, 2013

Hardy har har


Sorry it's small, but it says "Yea I"m a loser but the coolest loser you'll ever meet"

Imposter- you need to stop it right now. >:(

Everyone- I was thinking about taking off the little comment thingy to make sure you weren't a robot, but until this imposter leaves I'll have to leave it on. SORRY!!

Okay I'm using tons of caps lock but that's because I probably have a lot of homework but I don't dare check so it's making me nervous.
-pupp1266 (AKA pupp, I prefer pupp actually)
P.S. The way I pronounce my username is pup-1-2-6-6. As in, every number is it's own. I don't say pup-p 12 66 or pup 1,266. I don't care how you say it, but I'm just letting you know :P

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